Synology Home Assistant

I recently bought the Synology home server to manage my personal data. This is the tutorial I followed to set it up.

Mobile App OAuth and OpenID Connect

Social signin is easy and secure to use except hard to implement correctly from scratch. I did not find exactly what I need so I am writing this down for my future self. I am building an online forum application with the following requirements: has mobile and web frontend. shared backend for RESTFUL API(GraphQL upcoming). supports third party login(Google/Apple). Application Architecture We organize backend services by their responsibilitys. Services communicates

Leetcode Weekly Contest 192

Did well on the first two problems; spent multiple iterations on the third problem; got stuck for the last one. 3. Design Browser History This is a problem simulating browse history behavior. I spent too many iterations on debugging the offset computation. To improve, focus on the distinction between length and index. 4. Paint House III I found out the state definition early enough(about 5 minutes in). However got stuck for a long time on how to handle the house is already patined case.

Leetcode Contest 190

What went well: I solved first three problems relatively quickly and have working intuition on the last problem. What did not go well: problem 2 is a two pointer problem, I spent time implmenting the O(N^2) approach. This can be improlved by reason through the input size and do not settle for a inefficient solution. problem 3 is a problem on trees. The algorithm I settled on computing all possible paths shows duplication paths.